Thursday 4 February 2016

How to Increase Your Height

Those who are of average or short height often wish they were taller. Being tall can improve how a person feels about himself or herself. People with short height, particularly men, may be self-conscious about it and feel less confident.
A person’s height is determined to a great extent by genetics, but it is not necessarily the only determinant. There is a hormone in the body known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that regulates height. HGH is produced by the pituitary gland and is highly essential for the growth of long bones and cartilage.
Several other factors play a key role in determining height, such as smoking during pregnancy, poor post-natal care, low birth weight and poor health during childhood.
Often people think that they stop growing when they enter adulthood. But a person can grow a few inches taller even after turning 18. This can be done by incorporating some healthy habits into your lifestyle.
Here are the top 10 ways to increase your height.

1. Take Ashwagandha

According to Ayurveda, ashwagandha (scientific name: Withania somnifera), also known as Indian ginseng, helps increase height.
ashwagandha to increase height
Take Ashwagandha to Help Increase Your Height
Ashwagandha contains various minerals that broaden the bone skeleton as well as its density. This in turn increases your height. You can easily find ashwagandha in an herbal store.
  1. Mix two tablespoons of ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm cow’s milk.
  2. Add sugar or jaggery according to your taste and mix well.
  3. Drink it every night before going to bed, at least for 45 days to increase your height.
Note: For this remedy to work, you must avoid fast food completely.

2. Drink Milk

Milk is rich in calcium, an important mineral for bone growth. Calcium also acts as a height booster. Besides calcium, milk has vitamin A and protein that are essential for overall development of the body, including height.
To increase your height by a few inches, drink at least two to three glasses of milk daily. In addition, eating dairy foods like cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and cream can have an effect on height.

3. Indulge in Yoga

You can also do some yoga to increase your height naturally. Certain yoga exercises facilitate the release of growth-inducing hormones in the body. Yoga also helps release stress that causes tension in the back muscles, which in turn paves the way for maximum growth.
The best yoga pose to increase height is the ‘Surya Namaskar’, in which there are 12 different postures performed in a particular chronological order. To learn about ‘Surya Namaskar’, check out this video.

4. Stretch Your Body

Stretching is another effective way to enhance height at any age. Try to stretch your body by standing on your toes for a few minutes daily, several times a day. Other stretching exercises that you can try at home include car stretch, super stretch, cobra stretch, bow down, twists and basic leg stretches.
To learn about some easy and effective stretching exercises, you can watch this video.

With regular stretching, you can add one or two inches to your height. Plus, it will help improve your posture.

5. Engage in Exercise and Sports

engage in exercise to increase height
Exercise and sports stimulate the release of growth hormone that contributes to your height. To enjoy good height, you must exercise regularly and take part in sports activities.
One good exercise to increase height is skipping where you need to jump a lot. Do skipping for at least 30 minutes each day in an open area.
Holding on to a horizontal bar and hanging with your spine stretched out is another effective exercise to facilitate height gain. Stay in the position for 10 seconds and repeat at least six times daily.
Plus, play games like tennis and basketball that require you to jump a lot. This will help increase your height and also help in maintaining ideal body weight.
Also indulge in outdoor activities, like cycling and swimming, on a regular basis to enjoy good height and a toned body.

6. Get Proper Sleep

When you rest, the body grows and regenerates tissues. In fact, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) responsible for increasing height is produced naturally in the body when you have a sound and deep sleep.
proper sleep to increase height
During sound sleep, the brain is relaxed and releases more growth hormones. On the other hand, a tired brain shows low release of growth hormones. As a rule, during the growing stage, a person must have at least eight to 11 hours of proper sleep every night to enjoy maximum height.

7. Eat a Balanced Diet

balanced diet
It has been found that lack of proper nutrients is one of the leading causes behind people failing to reach their maximum height. To get proper nutrition, follow a balanced diet. Essential nutrients like zinc, manganese, vitamin C, protein, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus provide the required stimulus for increasing height.
A daily diet should contain fresh leafy greens and colored vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products, all in their proper proportions.

8. Enjoy Sunlight

Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D, a key nutrient needed for overall growth, including maximum height. When your body does not get enough vitamin D, you can have weak bones as well as less height. To make sure your body gets the required amount of this vitamin, spend 20 to 30 minutes daily in the sunlight.
Go out in the sun during early morning or evening hours to give your body vitamin D with minimal exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays.
Along with sunlight, you can get vitamin D from milk, cheese, eggs, oily fish, and fortified foods.

9. Practice Good Posture

good posture
A good posture plays a key role in the development of your height. A good posture is one where the head and neck are aligned without any sign of bending or slouching.
This type of posture straightens out your spine, relaxes your muscles and helps improve your height. On the other hand, a bad posture makes your spinal cord bend, which in turn suppresses your normal height.
So, make sure to sit straight on a chair and keep your shoulders straight and chin high. When you stand or walk, keep your body straight and tight.

10. Drink Plenty of Water

drinking water
Try to drink ample amounts of water throughout the day. Water flushes out harmful toxins from your body and improves digestion. Plus, it will improve your metabolism rate, which will have a direct impact on your height.
For overall health, drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Along with drinking water, eat water-based fruits and vegetables like cucumbers and watermelon.
Additional Tips:
  • Try to maintain ideal body weight as obesity can have an adverse effect on your height.
  • Stop smoking as it acts like a growth inhibitor.
  • Avoid drinking as it suppresses your growth level.
  • Avoid eating fast foods.

10 Simple Tips to Increase Height in a Month

Want to Grow Taller?

Hello, friends. Having trouble with your height? You've probably searched the entire Internet looking for strategies and exercises to grow a few more inches. Well, you've finally found your answer. In this post, I will describe the 10 most effective exercises to increase your height. These exercises will work best for those under 24 years old, because it is still possible then to influencing your ultimate height.
Despite what some people will tell you, it's not impossible to increase your height. Many people have succeeded through proper diet and regular exercise, so why can't you? Be confident. You'll increase your height in no time if you follow these ten simple exercises.

1) Stretching Exercises

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Stretching exercises to grow height
Below, you can find some of the foundational exercises to grow your height. You should do these exercises daily for one hour when you first get up. These stretches are the surest way to increase height successfully. It will be little tough for you in the beginning. But you will quickly master them.

2) Swimming

swimming to increase height
swimming to increase height
Swimming is a great technique to grow your height naturally. You can increase your height by swimming two hours daily. If you don't know how to swim, you should find a swimming coach to teach you how. To sustain that much activity you will need to eat enough food for fuel. Shortly, we'll look at the balanced diet you need to keep to increase your height.

3) Hanging Exercise

hanging exercise to increase height
hanging exercise to increase height
Hanging is another simple height-increasing exercise. Find a safe, sturdy object from which you can hang in your house. If none are available, you can install a bar in a doorway. It's tough at first, but over time you can become a master in it. For best results, try spending 30 minutes a day hanging. That doesn't mean you have to hang for 30 minutes in a row! To start, do it for 10 seconds, take a rest and do more 10 second reps for up to 30 minutes. You'll eventually develop momentum and be able to hang for longer stretches of time.

4) Yoga

Yoga asana's to increase height
Yoga asana's to increase height
Yoga is the most important technique to grow your height, and the more time you can devote to it the better. It can help you gain several inches with no pain or side effects. The stretches and poses will stretch your spine and improve your posture, helping you reach your maximum potential height. Yogis also believe that the deep exhalations can eliminate tension, unblocking energy that will allow you to grow more.

5) Eat at the Right Times

Eating tips to grow taller
Eating tips to grow taller
Many people do not follow any schedule for their meals, grabbing food when they can or eating in the car on their way to work. But those who want to increase their height must eat on a regular schedule. You can scroll down to view the foods which can help you grow more.

6) Avoid Supplements and Pills

Supplements won't help you grow taller
Supplements won't help you grow taller
There are a number of products available in the market that promise height instantly. One of them is steroids. Using steroids will also damage your health a lot. Don't use these types of Artificial growth increasing products, because they are not well-regulated and can potentially be very dangerous.

7) Get Enough Sleep

Being well rested can help you grow taller
Being well rested can help you grow taller
Yes, sleep does matter! People think that six hours of sleep is sufficient, but eight hours is really necessary to maintain your health and give you energy. Even our nails grow when you sleep. So, get plenty of sleep everyday.

8) Bicycling

Bicycling is great exercise! And can add inches to your height.
Bicycling is great exercise! And can add inches to your height.
Cycling is an important physical exercise that can help increase your height. Try to ride a bicycle everyday - maybe even use them to travel to and from work. It's much more pleasant than sitting in a car, not to mention cheaper and better for the environment. Bicycling also increases blood flow in the body which keeps our heart active.

9) Balanced Diet

Eating well is key to maximizing your height
Eating well is key to maximizing your height
Yes. This is one of the most important techniques to increase your height. Here are some of the foods which you should include in your diet.
1) Milk - in the morning and at night
2) Fruits and vegetables - at every meal.
4) Eggs, meat, and protein - at every meal.

10) High Heels

The easiest way to grow taller!
The easiest way to grow taller!
Sounds obvious right? But, it's the most frequently used technique in the world. You can use high heels which will increase your height up to 2-5 Inches. But, this is only a temporary solution. If you are not willing to commit to doing the above exercises, then high heels are your only option.

15 Top Exercises to Increase Height

Height is something that many people strive for and it can be helpful to get around your day. If you want to get a little taller but think you are stuck with your current height, you may be wrong. With just a few simple exercises you could increase your height and start reaching for the stars.

1) Swimming

Swimming is an exercise that requires plenty of stretching and reaching, which can gradually increase your height. However you will need to swim often and for long periods in order to see significant results. You should try and plan for two hours daily if you want to increase your height.

2) Hanging Exercises

These exercises are just what they sound like. You will need to hang down from a bar and let your body stretch. You can also hang and then bring your legs up parallel to the ceiling to create and even better stretch. You will want to keep this up for several repetitions and several times a week.

3) Touch Toes

It’s time to go back to these treasured years of gym class and touch your toes. If you can’t touch your toes, you’re not alone and just stretch as far as you can. If you missed gym class you perform this exercise by standing straight and then bending down to touch your toes. You should hold the stretch for a few seconds each time.

4) Cobra Stretch

This stretch is all about stretching out your spine and elongating the body. The more you do this stretch the more you will open up your back and increase your height. To perform this stretch you should lie on the face down and palms under your shoulders. Then arch your back by raising your chin to form an angle.

5) Pelvic Shift

This exercise targets the spine and lower hips and is considered one of the most effective exercises for increasing height. To perform this lay flat on your back with your palms out to the sides. Keep your legs bent and slowly push your pelvis upward. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat this several times for best results.

6) Leg Stretches

There are a number of different types of stretches for legs and any stretches that work the calves will be very useful in increasing height. One good calf exercise is to stand parallel to a wall and place your hands on the wall. Put your weight on your hands and then slowly move one leg closer to the wall. You should feel a stretch in your calf. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat it a few times.

7) The Table

For this exercise you are going to put your body into the shape of a table. While it sounds easy enough this is actually a difficult stretch that will work wonders for increasing height. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out. Then place your palms on the floor with your hands facing toward your feet. Next place your feet flat on the floor and push your torso upward until your body resembles a table.

8) Jump Rope

Jump rope is not only a school yard activity and a great way to remember songs, it is also a great exercise for stretching out the body, especially the lower legs. You will build up these muscles and stretch them out throughout the jumping motion. The more often you jump rope the sooner you will start to see results.

9) Spot Jump

Jumping is an exercise that really stretches out the cartilage in the body, especially the legs. Repetition of vertical jumps or squat jumps can stretch out the cartilage so that the body gradually becomes taller. You can either do this as an individual exercise at home or you can play basketball in order to get plenty of vertical jumps into your workout routine.

10) Dry Swim or Alternate Kick

This is a great way to get the stretching benefits of swimming even if you don’t have regular access to a pool. In order to complete this exercise you will need to lay on your stomach. Stretch your arms out in front of you with your right arm slightly higher than your left. Then with your legs stretched out raise your left leg up. Hold the position for several seconds before switching your arm and leg.

11) Super Stretch

This is an easy and very good stretch for increasing height and reducing stress. Just stand upright and place your hands behind your head. Next bend your head upwards and back as far as you can. You should do this stretch slowly and hold each position for a few seconds. This will help stretch out your next and spine.

12) Two Legs Straight Up

For this exercise you will need to lay flat on your back. Place your palms flat on the floor at your side. Then try and raise your legs toward the ceiling at the same time. Do the motion slowly and stretch your legs up until your pelvis slightly lifts off the ground. This is a great stretch for your legs and lower back. It is also a difficult stretch so it may take some practice.

13) Forward Spine Stretch

This stretch is all about your back and calves. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Now reach forward and try to touch your toes by arching your back. This is another way to stretch many of the same muscles in the toe touch and you should hold the position for several seconds.

14) Pilates Roll Over

This may be a difficult move to master but it is well worth the effort. Lay on your back with your arms at your sides. Lift your legs together toward the ceiling just like the two leg lift. Next try and bring your legs back to touch the floor behind your head. There are few stretches that stretch your back out so completely. This works to strengthen and elongate the spine so doing this stretch every day will have great results for your height.

15) Cat and Dog

These stretches will bring out the animal in you and have the ability to stretch your body an inch or two as well. Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back upward and lift while keeping your ads tight. Hold this position for a few seconds and then breathe out as you push your tailbone under. Hold this position and then repeat the stretch.

9 Simple Tips To Increase Height Naturally

Being able to reach that top shelf without standing on the stool would have been so good!
Height is an essential factor which determines the overall personality of an individual. Though being short does not in any way undermine an individual’s capabilities, it’s a fact that tall people often become the centre of attention. Short statured people not only suffer from a lack of confidence, but also face certain difficulties in some aspects of their lives.
Various professions (such as modelling, acting etc) demand that you have good height. Typically, a child who is short, often becomes the victim of bullying at his/her school, loses a place in the basketball team or even misses being nominated as the monitor of the class. It is rather unfortunate that even a fairly good looking or talented individual is likely to get ignored if he or she does not possess the normal height.

Tips To Increase Height Naturally

About 20% or more of our body height depends upon our environment, activities and diet. Thus, we can increase our height in a natural way by following certain basic rules in our daily lives.

1. Proper Sleep:

It’s a well-known fact that our body grows and regenerates tissues while we rest. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely essential for a growing body. It’s believed that the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally in our bodies during sound, deep and slow wave sleep. Growing children and teenagers should have at least 8 to 11 hours of proper sleep every night in order to reach their maximum height. It is extremely important to ensure that you have a proper sleeping environment. It should be serene, minus disturbing noises or strong lights. Here are some tips to ensure sound sleep:
  • Taking a warm water bath before going to bed can greatly enhance the quality of sleep.
  • You can drink one cup of chamomile tea before hitting the bed. This is really useful to induce sleep.
Proper sleeping habit is definitely the top answer when it comes to growing one’s height naturally.

2. Regular Exercise And Sports:

  • One of the best tips to grow height naturally is by being physically fit and active as a child. Regular exercise and sports enhances one’s height. When you are physically active, your body demands more healthy nutrients and consequently, an increase in nutrient intake results in growth.
  • Indulging in sports like swimming, aerobics, tennis, cricket, football, basketball or a number of stretching exercises are a good way to keep our body growing. Our muscles improve our growth prospects besides cleansing and detoxifying our body through sweating. Regular exercise or sports should definitely form a part of our daily activities.
  • Swimming is one of the best ways to increase your height. If one starts this at an early age, surely his/her height will be adequate. 2 hours of daily swimming for 4-5 days a week can be highly effective in increasing your height. The breast stroke is specially recommended for those who wish to increase their height. Swimming is a full body, intense exercise which will help to lengthen your muscles and build muscle strength.
  • Some of the stretches you can try out to begin with are the car stretch, super stretch, cobra stretch, the bridge, bow down, twists, the table and basic leg stretches. It is recommended to do simple stretching exercises on a regular basis, for a minimum of 15 minutes for these to be effective for you. Stretches serves a great warm up before a workout.
  • Hanging exercises can be useful to grow one’s height through exercise. Though these may seem a bit tough to try out in the beginning, you will get the hang of them slowly. All you need is a bar for this. Hang from it with your arms and spine stretched for 10 seconds. Repeat 12 sets one after the other or continue to do this for 2 minutes every day.

3. Yoga:

Yoga is a great and comparatively less strenuous way to increase your height naturally. Yoga brings about overall fitness which is useful to give a boost to your height. Certain yoga poses facilitate the release of growth-inducing hormones in the body. The stretching and balancing exercises involved in yoga strengthen the muscles and improve the posture of the body as well. Try yoga poses such as triangle pose (trikonasana), cobra pose (bhujangaasana), mountain pose (tadasana), pleasant pose (sukhasana), tree pose (Vriksasana). You can addSuryanamaskar to your fitness regime too.

4. Maintaining The Correct Posture:

Due attention should be given towards maintaining a correct posture from childhood. Simple things like sitting straight on a chair, keeping your shoulders straight, chin high, and hips over your feet while walking or standing can actually have favourable effects on your height. Do not slouch while walking.
A straight spine and a strong back are very vital in increasing your height. Align your neck and head without bending or slouching. Having a good pillow and a body-friendly mattress are equally important in keeping your spine comfortable.
It should be noted that your shoulders should not stoop while walking or standing. Hunching should be avoided by all means. A good posture makes you look tall, smart and confident.

5. Balanced Diet:

A balanced diet is absolutely essential to get proper nutrition. Stay away from junk food at any cost. Avoid saturated fats, carbonated drinks and excessive sugar-loaded foods as these can cause a negative impact on your height. It should be ensured that you get all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, to grow to your full height.
  • Vitamin D and proteins help in triggering the growth hormones, and are required for proper growth of teeth and bones. Hence, the foods which are rich in these nutrients such as cheese, legumes, tofu, lean meat, egg white should be included in your diet.
  • Intake of zinc is also very important as its deficiency can lead to stunted growth in children. Foods such as asparagus, chocolate, eggs, oysters and peanuts are rich in zinc.
  • Calcium found in dairy products and green vegetables is required for the growth and development of bones.
  • Apart from this, other nutrients like minerals like magnesium and phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamins should not be ignored as they also contribute towards proper growth of the body. The nutritional requirements can also be fulfilled by taking supplements in limited quantities.
  • It is important to have good metabolism. Hence, you can have six balanced meals throughout the day. Smaller but well-spanned portions can be helpful to boost your metabolic rate. This will lead to lesser fat storage in your body, thus allowing you to grow taller.

6. Avoid Growth Stunting Factors:

You can ensure that your height doesn’t get affected by external or internal factors. Hence, keep in mind a few things:
Taking drugs and alcohol at a young age can be extremely harmful. Consuming these can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition, thus preventing you from reaching your full height. The intake of caffeine should be restricted, particularly among children as it keeps you from sleeping soundly and regularly. As kids and adolescents require a good eight to eleven hours of sound sleep, caffeine can restrict that to a great extent, thus indirectly contributing to short stature.
Apart from this, steroids have also been found to inhibit bone growth in young children, adversely affecting their height. Research has shown that asthma-affected children and teenagers who use inhalers tend to grow up to about ½an inch shorter than others. This is because these inhalers dispense relatively small amounts of the steroid called budesonide.

7. Strong Immune System:

Certain childhood illnesses can also cause stunted growth. These can be avoided by regular immunization and taking plenty of Vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and lemon. The immune system can be kept strong by eating whole and fresh foods, and avoiding processed and hydrogenated foods such as the very popular margarine.
A healthy diet will lead to a healthy immune system. Incorporate lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to maintain a healthy immune system.

8. Ask For Medical Aid:

If you have reached your mid-teens and hail from a family where all members are tall, but find that your height isn’t developing, it is judicious to visit a doctor. Certain medical conditions can be detected at an early stage. Hence, if you are doing everything all the above but still not growing, seek medical advice.

9. Build Your Confidence:

If a person is tall but lacks confidence, it’s of no use. Hence, it is very important to build confidence from childhood and cultivate it as you grow older. You can take part in school activities, join a club and spend time pursuing your interests and hobbies. All of these act towards boosting your mood and sense of well-being, thus affecting your confidence levels. If you have a positive mindset and are brimming with confidence, even a shorter stature won’t seem to be a hindrance for you. Hence, cultivate your confidence!

Factors Affecting Height:

Being tall isn’t in our control, is it? Only partly true!
Genetic and non-genetic factors have a major role in determining our height. Our body height is regulated by the hormone called “Human Growth Hormone (HGH)”. HGH is secreted in our body by the pituitary gland and is required for the growth of long bones and cartilages.

a. Genetic Factors:

Height is influenced by various genes in our body. Our height is determined by several genes, it is polygenic. If both our parents are short, it does not mean we won’t be tall. However, if most of the members in our family from both sides are of short stature, then the next generations are most likely to have short height. Genetic factors are entirely beyond our control.
To calculate your projected height, follow these steps:
  • First add both your parents’ heights together, either counting in inches or centimetres
  • If you are a male, add 5 inches, that is, 13 cm to this. However, if you are a female, deduct 5 inches from the total of your parents’ height
  • Now divide this number by 2
  • What you get is your estimated height. This can be plus or minus 4 inches. This is an approximate way to predict what your height will be.

b. Non-Genetic Factors:

There are several non-genetic factors that influence our height to an extent. Being tall is associated with growth and therefore, short height can be attributed to inadequate nutrition, lack of physical activity, incorrect posture, etc.
Certain other non-genetic factors which may affect height include:
  • Smoking during pregnancy
  • Prenatal and Post natal care
  • Ill health during childhood and adolescence
  • Weight during birth
  • Mental conditions during childhood and adolescence
  • Non-genetic factors can be controlled to an extent by following a healthy lifestyle from childhood.
  • Don’t wait any longer; start right away to keep your body growing! Follow these tips to gain height naturally!
    Leave a suggestion below if you have one to help me add a couple of inches more to my height!

Top 8 Ways to Increase Height & Grow Taller Fast Naturally

Many short people tend to be disappointed with their heights because a tall stature can be a desirable trait for many reasons. Even if you don’t have a specific reason for increasing your height, being tall provides many advantages. It can boost your confidence, save you from wearing uncomfortable high heels, or simply make it easier to reach that top shelf without having to climb onto a wobbly stool.
So, what can you do to grow taller if your genes dictate that you’re meant to be short? Well, only a small percentage of people with a short height can grow taller. Studies also show that most people stop growing in their mid-twenties. So, if you’ve not reached full adulthood, your growth plates have not yet closed. This means that you could add a few more inches to your current height and how tall you can grow depends on many factors, which shall be explained below.

Factors that Affect Height

There are several factors that can affect your height either in a positive or negative way. Generally, these factors can be categorized into the following:
  1. Genetic Factors
For the most part, your height is determined by genetic factors. However, if your parents are both short or of average height, it doesn’t mean that you’ll suffer the same fate. Height is a polygenic trait, meaning that it’s influenced by a range of genes. If there are tall people in your family tree, chances are that the tall gene could be passed down to you.
There’s no way to accurately calculate how tall you can grow until you reach full physical adulthood. But you can use this simple formula to estimate your height potential:
Predicted height in inches = (the sum of both your parents height, +5 if you are a boy or -5 if you are a girl) / 2
The answer you’ll get is your predicted height plus or minus 4 inches. Keep in mind that while this is just a rough estimation, it should still be very close to the eventual height you’ll attain.
  1. Non-Genetic Factors
Other non-genetic factors can have an impact on your growth potential too. Most of these factors are determined by the environment an individual finds him/herself in while growing up. Being tall is associated with growth. So, factors which hinder growth will also have the same effect on your height.
Some of the non-genetic factors that will affect your height include:
  • Exposure to tobacco smoke during fetal development
  • Illness during childhood or puberty
  • Quality of parental or postnatal care
  • Low birth weight
While many factors that determine height are beyond your control, there are several things you can do to reach your full height. With that in mind, here are top ways to increase height and grow taller naturally.

Tips to Grow Taller Naturally and Increase Height

  1. Get Adequate Sleep Sleeping to Increase Height
When it comes to restful sleep, it goes without saying that this is one of the more important factors for healthy growth. Research suggests that growing teens need at least 8 hours of rest every night, with 11 hours being far more effective at promoting healthy growth.
Adequate sleep is essential because the body grows and regenerates tissue during rest. Our brains release Human Growth Hormone specifically when we are in the slow wave and deep sleep cycles. So, if you’re not getting adequate sleep, this will result in low amounts of HGH being produced thus keeping you from growing to your maximum height.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to get adequate sleep. For starters, make sure to manage your time so that you have enough hours to sleep even after a long day. Secondly, create a conducive sleeping environment to ensure that you get your beauty sleep. Eliminate factors that can interfere with sleep like strong lights and noises. Also, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks before going to bed because they will steal precious sleeping time.
Instead of coffee, opt for chamomile tea before retiring to bed since it has the ability to induce sleep. In addition, taking a warm bath just before bedtime can greatly improve your quality of sleep.
  1. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is absolutely essential when it comes to supporting proper growth since it’s important to ensure that you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs to grow and develop fully. The key to eating healthy is to stick to a balanced diet and avoid junk food. In order to grow to your full height, practice the following healthy eating habits:
  • Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for healthy bone development, especially in children. You can get vitamin D from foods such as fish, mushrooms dairy products, eggs, pork, alfalfa, and tofu or by getting adequate sunlight exposure.
  • Get Enough Calcium
Intake of calcium is also very important since bones require this nutrient to grow and develop. Rich sources of calcium mostly include cheese, soybeans, sardines, green vegetables, dairy products and fortified cereals.
  • Eat Zinc
Increase your zinc intake with foods such as peas, asparagus, eggs, chocolate and oysters to further promote healthy development. Zinc is especially important in children since lack of it causes stunted growth.
  • Load Up On Other Essential Nutrients
Other nutrients apart from those mentioned above should not be ignored too since they also contribute to proper growth. You need carbohydrates to energize cells as well as sufficient amounts of protein to provide your body with the essential building blocks it needs to grow. If there are any nutrients lacking in your diet, you can bridge the nutritional gap by taking supplements.
  • Develop a Good Eating Schedule
As a general rule of thumb, you should have three balanced meals throughout the day. Eating healthy snacks in between meals will also keep your metabolism up and hence promote healthy growth.
  1. Engage in Sports or Regular Exercise
Engaging in regular exercise or playing your favorite sport is one of the best ways to grow taller. Children and teens are always encouraged to be physically active as this promotes growth. Even if you’re past the age of 18, you can still add a few inches to your frame before the growth plates close when you reach mid-twenties.
The science behind how physical activity affects growth is simple. If the body is physically active, it demands more nutrients. Consequently, an increase in nutrient intake translates to growth. What’s more, participating in sports and exercising regularly helps in stimulating growth hormones.
When combined with a healthy diet and adequate sleep, exercising on a regular basis will help you grow taller. Some of the best exercises and sports that can enhance height include:
  • Swimming
One of the best full body workouts, swimming is a great sport that can contribute to a taller height. Swimming tends to elongate your muscles and if you start at an early age, it will help you reach adequate height. However, you need to swim at least 2 hours daily for 4 to 5 days a week to reap the benefits.
  • Hanging Exercises
Hanging from a horizontal bar with your arms stretched out overhead is an effective routine that can instigate an increase in height. To perform hanging exercises properly, stay in the same position for about 10 seconds before breaking off and repeat this several times.
For an even better stretch, bring your legs up so that they are parallel to the floor and hold that position for a few seconds. You need to perform these routines several times a week if you want them to have any positive effect.
  • Toe Touching Exercises
Toe touching is one of many stretching exercises you can perform for a taller frame. When you bend over to touch your toes, this elongates the spine. This routine can be done when standing or sitting down and it’s a great way to warm up before more intense exercises.
  • The Super Stretch
Much like toe touching, the super stretch is another great exercise that may possibly help you grow taller. To perform this simple exercise, simply stand upright and stretch your hands overhead as far as you can.
Leaning back slightly enhances the stretch and you should be able to feel your lower spine stretching. Combining this routine with toe touching will help you complete full body stretch reps. Ideally, hold repetitions for about 4 to 7 seconds then alternate between the super stretch and toe touching exercise several times.
  • Skipping Rope or Rope Jumping
Rope jumping is not just a fun game for kids, but also a great exercise for gaining height. When jumping rope, your body remains erect while stretching the back and spine. Constant bending at the knees causes calves to expand vertically. These physical movements work together to add bone mass in lower legs, which help in gaining a few inches.
  1. Form a Habit of Practicing Good Posture
Many people have a bad posture due to the formation of poor habits when sitting down to work on a computer or when they use handheld gadgets. Over time, these habits cause the spinal cord to bend. A slouched form in the upper body will suppress your normal height, making you seem shorter than you really are. On the other hand, a good posture aligns the head with your neck besides straightening the spine. This can add a few inches to your frame by bringing out your true height.
If you already have a bad posture, fret not. There are many stretching exercises that can correct damage caused by poor sitting habits. The ideal exercises to perform will depend on the type of abnormal spinal curvature you’ve developed. To prevent damage to your spine, make sure to practice good posture habits in the first place. Good posture habits take time to master and there are many ways to incorporate them into your daily routines.
For starters, keep your shoulders back and chin up all the time when walking. If you often use a computer or other handheld gadgets like tablets and smartphones, avoid using them for excessively long periods or take frequent breaks if you have to utilize them for significant amounts of time. Exhaustion will cause you to sit in awkward positions that put undue pressure on your spine or neck. You should also educate yourself about proper ergonomics when using these devices. Even though good posture habits won’t make your grow, they can very well help you look taller.
  1. Make an Effort to Keep Your Immune System Strong
The body’s immune system plays a key role in the development of your height. With a strong immune system, diseases will have a hard time slowing down the progress of a growing body. Being able to fight off disease is especially important when you’re young and still developing. While some illnesses can stunt growth during childhood or puberty, the good news is that you can boost your immune system by simply eating healthy meals. Instead of eating processed foods, diversify your diet with whole grains, low fat dairy products, protein, fruits and greens.
Citrus fruits such as grapes, oranges and lemons are particularly rich in antioxidants and they help counteract the damaging effects of free radicals to keep the body disease free. On the other hand, foods such as fish, cod liver oil and nuts provide abundant omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to boost immune function.
  1. Drink Plenty of Water
Guzzling down gallons of water won’t make you grow into a towering giant, but the body needs to stay hydrated in order to reach its full growth potential. Drinking water is often overlooked when it comes to growing taller. However, water improves digestion, flushes out toxins, and improves your metabolism. As such, it will have a direct impact on your height.
You need at least 8 glasses of water a day for optimum health. Another great way to keep your body hydrated is to eat water-based fruits and greens like watermelons and cucumbers.
  1. Keep Away from Factors that Hamper Growth
Certain growth inhibitors can keep you from attaining into your inherent height and you can keep these external factors from affecting your height by avoiding them.
Drugs and alcohol are two of the most common growth stunting factors that should be avoided at all costs since these substances interfere with normal growth. Steroids have also been found to stunt growth when taken at a young age. These drugs should therefore not be used if you’re still a teenager because they tend to inhibit bone development by closing your growth plates. In fact, research shows that children and teens who use asthma medications containing small doses of budesonide (a type of steroid) usually grow an inch shorter than their healthy peers.
Apart from steroids, drugs, and alcohol, caffeine can also interfere with growth especially in young children. It doesn’t inhibit growth directly but keeps you from sleeping soundly. Since both children and teens require 8 to 11 hours of sleep to develop properly, too much caffeine will cause inadequate sleep, which in turn leads to a short height.
  1. Consider Using “Grow Taller” Supplements
When searching the Internet for tips and information on how to grow taller, you’ll most likely come across supplements that promise to work wonders on your height. In most cases, the supplements are just a combination of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that promote growth. Therefore, don’t be quick to use these supplements without first doing adequate research on what they actually contain. Some of these supplements can cause serious side effects and a few others just fail to work.
To stay safe, opt for height enhancement supplements that contain 100% natural ingredients. One of the best examples is Ashwagandha. This herbal product is an “Indian ginseng” featuring several minerals that broaden bone skeleton and density. As a result, consuming it can improve your height if you still have a growing body. For the best results, mix 2 tablespoons of Ashwagandha with milk and drink the mixture before going to bed.
  1. Seek Medical Assistance
If you have older siblings who had hit a growth spurt when they were your age, and yet you don’t seem to be getting any taller like they did, then it may be a good idea to see a doctor. Conditions that cause a deficiency in human growth hormone are not common, but they do exist. A health expert can help you deal with such problems and increase your chances of growing to your full potential.
Some childhood conditions such as rickets tend to stunt growth at an early age. These conditions also make it difficult to grow fully when one reaches full physical maturity. A doctor will be able to suggest healthy lifestyle choices that will help you reach as close as possible to your maximum growth potential.
  1. Surgery
Leg lengthening surgery is also one of the modern medical interventions that many healthy individuals seek in hopes that it will increase their height. In essence, the procedure involves breaking through the tibia and fibula (the bones in your lower legs) and inserting a telescopic rod between them. The inserted rod sits outside the leg framework and need to be adjusted several times a day. When adjusted, the rod pulls both bones in the hopes that new tissue will fill the gap. The telescopic rods pull the bones about 1mm a day, but the whole process can last up to 6 months followed by 3 to 6 more months of physically-demanding therapy.
Lengthening surgery usually provides only about 3 inches of growth if it’s successful. However, 3 inches to a short person can be considered quite substantial. Keep in mind, however, that this procedure should be a last resort because it can be very expensive, painful, and may result in complications.
This winds up our list of top ways to increase height and grow taller. Remember that the best way to increase your height is by adopting the natural solutions that have been shared above.